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Café Del Mundo

Coffee with a Cause

In 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of the programs at Shepherd’s Spring were canceled or postponed. The staff at Shepherd’s Spring wanted to use their time wisely and be creative in helping those in their community. They decided to renovate a section of the front lobby of the Lodge to become a coffee shop, Café Del Mundo (which translates to "World Coffee"). This coffee shop doesn’t only sell the best direct trade, organic coffee roasted by Lenca Roasters with coffees from various countries from around the world. The proceeds help send a Title One Kid (struggling with poverty) in Washington County, MD to a week of summer camp to experience the best week of their life.

Café Mundo_edited.png

The design of the coffee shop is to reflect some of the model homes seen in our Global Village that represent homes found in other countries. For example, the orange wall represents Kenya, the thatch roof represents Mozambique, and the bamboo wall represents Thailand. It is our hope over the coming years to transform our lobby area into a cozy and inviting space to drink coffee, connect with others, and relax.


What do you sell in Café Del Mundo?

We sell 12OZ bags of direct trade coffee roasted by Lenca Roasters for $15.00 per bag. The proceeds help send a kid to camp!

We have brewed coffee available, and we also use organic, fair trade espresso to make warm drinks such as lattes, mochas, and cappuccinos.

The coffee shop also serves as our camp store where we sell t-shirts, mugs, hats, and other items.


Is the coffee shop open daily?

As of now, no, the coffee shop is not open daily like your normal coffee shop. It is open when groups are on property (such as retreat groups) and during Summer Camp and Global Village programs.  


What if I don’t want to buy coffee but I still want to support the cause?
You can make a donation to our Summer Camp Scholarship fund here.
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